Witness, is the title of an exhibition with my photos which opened at the Reykjavík Museum of Photography on Saturday, June 6th, 2020. The exhibition was a part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival.
The exhibition opened at unusual times when its subject had temporarily disappeared. The visitor to Iceland, to see cascading waterfalls, advancing glaciers, and surf crashing on the shore was absent. Iceland’s nature was alone once more.
"By focusing on the tourist – the witness – I wanted to take a step toward them and break down the invisible wall that seems to exist between us.
So I became a witness too.
When foreign tourists were absent from Icelandic nature, and in the summer of 2020 our tourists were only Icelanders, I wonder whether there is so much difference between us and our foreign visitors. Aren’t we seeking a connection, too?
I hope that Icelanders rediscover the treasure we have in our country, and in ourselves."
Christopher Lund, June 2020

Dettifoss 120x90 cm